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Chinese translation for "nacreous cloud"


Related Translations:
nacreous:  adj.1.珍珠(质)的。2.产生珍珠质的。3. 似珍珠的。
nacreous clouds:  贝母云珠母云
nacreous luster:  珍珠光泽
nacreous layer:  珍珠层真珠层珠母层
nacreous varnish:  珍珠光清漆
nacreous glass:  珠光玻璃
nacreous structure:  珍珠构造珍珠结构
nacreous paper:  青贝纸,珍珠母纸珍珠母纸
nacreous pigments:  珠光颜色
nacreous ichthyosis:  珠光状鳞癣, 珠母状鳞癣
Example Sentences:
1.Nacreous clouds ? also known as polar stratospheric clouds ? contribute to the formation of the polar ozone holes
2.Nacreous clouds form when the fading light at sunset passes through tiny ice crystals blown along by a strong jet of stratospheric air
3.Renae baker , a scientist with the australian bureau of meteorology , snapped this picture of a rare nacreous cloud on july 25 at the country ' s antarctic mawson station
雷纳?贝克是澳洲气象署的一位科学家。他在7 . 25日拍下了这张罕见的珍珠光泽的片。
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